Blog Post

A Guide to Lift Modernisation

ADL Lift Services • Oct 29, 2020
Modernised lift

Despite its innovative design, your building’s lift can’t and won’t operate forever! Keeping your passenger lift well-maintained will help to extend its lifespan significantly (in fact, some lifts will serve you for more than three decades), but it will come to a point where using your lift is no longer safe or financially viable. At this time, you’ll typically be faced with two options: lift replacement or lift modernisation.

You may have heard the term lift modernisation used once or twice by your chosen lift engineers without truly understanding what it means. It’s a service that you might want to consider if the lift in your building has started to show signs of deterioration but isn’t ready to be replaced just yet. If there’s still life in your lift, you may be advised to opt for modernisation and refurbishment services, rather than full-on replacement solutions. Here’s why.

What is lift modernisation?

As the name suggests, lift modernisation is the process of modernising your existing passenger lift, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Typically, the modernisation of a lift happens component by component; that is, the physical and mechanical structure of the lift doesn’t change completely.

Lift modernisation services can often be split into two types: component and system upgrades. For example, it may only be the door that needs to be updated because it’s become damaged over time. Or, it could be a section of wiring that no longer meets the safety requirements and legal standards.

The modernisation process your lift goes through will depend on its overall condition. Sometimes it’ll be that a key component has become damaged, such as the mechanism which operates the lift door. Other times, the lift may need to be modernised because the existing parts can no longer be deemed legally compliant. Not all lift damage is obvious, so it’s important to have it serviced and inspected regularly by professional lift engineers.

What are the benefits of lift modernisation services?

Keeping your lift well-maintained is crucial to keeping yourself, your colleagues and your employees safe. Maintenance is also a key part of extending your lift’s lifespan and making sure you don’t have to pay out for costly and time-consuming repairs regularly. But, no amount of professional maintenance can keep a lift running smoothly forever - and it will eventually need to be replaced.

Lift modernisation, however, is a great way to prolong the lifespan of your building’s lift and prevent a total replacement service for as long as possible. This is the major benefit of choosing to have your lift modernised. By replacing components with newer, safer and more efficient alternatives, you can prolong the development of issues that might require your lift to be replaced.

Some of the other major benefits of modernising your lift include the following:

Keep your lift operating safely

Over time, your lift’s mechanical components will become worn and overused. This can lead to potentially dangerous failures and breakdowns that could put the lift’s users at risk. Replacing any damaged or worn components with newer models that run more smoothly and efficiently could help to prevent issues like this and keep everyone in your building safe.

It’s worth noting that lift modernisation doesn’t always refer to major system upgrades. Making sure your lift operates safely could mean replacing the door so that it closes smoothly. It could also mean installing features like a new handrail to make using the lift safer and more comfortable for its users.

Small changes like these can go a long way with regards to user experience, but making sure your lift runs smoothly and safely is also a vital part of staying compliant. There are various rules and regulations that you must adhere to as a property manager, which leads us onto our next point.

Make sure your lift installation remains compliant

When was your building’s lift first installed? The chances are that the rules and regulations surrounding lift installations have changed significantly since that date. As a result, your lift may no longer be deemed legal or compliant. This could put you at risk of facing legal action, but if your lift is still running safely and efficiently, you may wonder if you really need to replace it.

Under these circumstances, modernising your lift could be the most convenient and cost-effective way to make sure it still adheres to the appropriate regulations and legislation. Your lift engineers will be able to guide you through the legislation in place to make sure your modernised lift operates safely and legally.

Save money on lift repair and replacement services

If your lift breaks down, you’ll need to pay out for professional lift repair services. If it breaks down frequently, you’ll either rack up a huge bill or need to replace the lift altogether. Lift modernisation services can help to prevent this by keeping all mechanisms and components running smoothly. As a general rule, the older the component, the more likely it is to cause your lift problems.

The cost of lift repairs can set a business back financially, but this isn’t all. If it’s difficult for employees or customers to move between your building’s storeys quickly and easily, you could lose revenue as a result of missed sales opportunities or staff downtime.

Minimise lift downtime

The two main reasons for installing a lift in a building are to increase traffic efficiency and boost accessibility. Your customers and employees will rely on your building’s passenger lift for safety and convenience, so it’s important to keep it operating as smoothly as possible. Breakdowns and other related problems will ultimately lead to lift downtime, and the more your lift requires repair services, the more downtime you can expect to face.

For people with restricted mobility, not having access to a functioning lift can be extremely stressful. To ensure that your building is accessible to everyone, it’s important to do all you can to keep your lift working properly.

Boost the energy-efficiency of your lift

A poorly functioning lift will need much more energy to operate than a modern one. This is something else to consider when deciding whether or not to modernise your lift; by substituting old and potentially damaged components for their newer counterparts, you could increase the energy-efficiency of your lift significantly. Reduced energy consumption means reduced energy bills, which is another great benefit of lift modernisation services.

Not only that, but reduced energy consumption means a lower carbon footprint. Finding ways to reduce the environmental impact of your business and the commercial premises that it operates in is vital, so it pays to have your machinery inspected regularly. If modernisation services could help to reduce the carbon footprint of your lift, your chosen engineers will advise you on this.

Lift modernisation vs lift replacement

We’ve spoken about the benefits of lift modernisation, but there are some circumstances where this isn’t the most appropriate solution. While modernisation services can prolong the life expectancy of a lift, there comes a point when the safest and most cost-effective route is to replace the lift altogether. This is often true in cases where even major system upgrades wouldn’t be enough to make the lift safe or legally compliant.

To help you decide whether your lift should be modernised or replaced, it’s important to speak to professional lift engineers - like us at ADL Lift Services. With years of experience in designing and installing lifts, we are well-equipped to advise you on the most appropriate course of action.

ADL Lift Services: Professional lift engineers specialising in lift modernisation and repair services

For professional, highly-skilled and accredited lift experts in Scotland, look no further than ADL Lift Services. With over 80 years of combined experience in the lift industry, we’re proud to have become the go-to company for lift design, installation, modernisation and repair services in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. No matter your requirements, we’ll make sure your new lift is safe, efficient and compliant across all of the appropriate standards.

To learn more about our lift modernisation services or to discuss any of the other services we offer, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to working with you.

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