Blog Post

The Pros and Cons of Installing a Lift in Your Home

ADL Lift Services • Feb 23, 2022
Lift buttons

Most homes feature stairs and there are a number of reasons you may choose to install a lift to assist movement around your property. Residential lifts can add convenience and accessibility to your home and your life in general, but is it worth it to install one?

Why might you wish to install a lift?

For many, a residential lift may seem like a luxurious feature that isn’t really necessary, but sometimes it is the best addition you can make to your home. Here’s why you may consider one:

You have multiple floors

The more storeys a house has, the harder it is to navigate, particularly as you get older. There are several options to make it simpler, but a lift is the quickest and easiest way to get from one floor to another. A lift can be ideal for accessing attics or basements, which would otherwise be difficult to reach.

You can’t climb stairs

If you or anyone in your home has mobility issues, the last thing you want to do is climb stairs. It’s possible to simply adjust to living on the main floor, but this is limiting and shouldn’t be necessary. A lift makes it possible to access all areas of the house, regardless of how many stairs there are.

You want to boost safety measures

Falling down the stairs can be dangerous and even deadly. Even if you can make it up and down, there’s still that danger, particularly for children and elderly people. When you have the lift as an alternative, it helps prevent falls and provides a more secure method of moving around.

You use a wheelchair

While stairlifts are useful for limited mobility, a proper lift will allow for wheelchairs to move between floors. This means you can simply wheel the chair onto the lift and move to another floor. The more mobility, the better. A lift can help the entire family be together, no matter where they are spending time.

You want to increase your home’s value

A home lift can instantly skyrocket the value of your home if you want to sell. It’s one of those features that buyers are fascinated with and will pay more to own. Whether they’re looking for the prestige of having a lift in their home or just want more accessibility, having one installed can cause your house price to rise significantly.

You want to prepare for later in life

You may not need a lift just now, but there will come a time when you require more accessibility. If you have thought ahead, you can make some changes now to prevent issues later on. If you plan to stay in the same home for the remainder of your life, it’s a good idea to make it as accessible as possible now, while you have the time and energy.

The pros and cons of residential lifts

Installing a lift in your home may seem like a luxury, but it’s often a necessity more than anything. It can save you time and energy and is essential if you find it difficult to climb stairs. However, like anything else you do, there are pros and cons to having a lift in your home.

On the plus side:

Anyone who finds it hard to use stairs or who has chronic pain will appreciate the ability to use a lift. It allows you to move from floor to floor painlessly and is easy to use.

Home lifts may or may not require a separate maintenance room and are somewhat flexible in their design. The options for residential lifts are quite different from commercial ones and you can easily select one that will work for your space.

Many lifts can be installed in the stairwell, which means they only need a few adjustments. If your stairs are already curved, there may be the perfect amount of space for the lift to stand in between the landings.

In addition to these pros, the lift will also add value to your home and make it worth more. Even if you intend to use it in the future when you need more aid in the home and cannot use the stairs, the house will eventually be passed on and will be worth far more simply due to the lift.

The downsides include:

The cost of installing a lift in your home is not as high as it once was, but it’s certainly costly still. You can expect to pay more if you have more than two storeys and need the lift to move between multiple floors.

You’ll also find that having a lift that encourages a more sedentary lifestyle. Even if you don’t personally need to use it, you’re more likely to do so just because it’s available. This means you’ll have less exercise while in your home and that could be a bad thing for your health if you’re not careful.

Finally, lifts take up space and this means you will need to make some alterations in order to make it possible to use the lift. What may start as a simple idea can become a little more complicated when you have to break down walls and adjust the house to fit the elevator shaft and all the accessories that go along with having a lift in your home.

Factors to consider when choosing a lift for your home

If you are adding onto your home or building a new one, you may consider that it’s usually less costly to build up rather than out. If you have limited space, then this will also give you the ability to increase overall floor space without needing an excessive number of stairs.

How much space do you have available? While a lift doesn’t need to take up a lot of room, it does require some space, even for the smallest options.

The size of the lift will also affect how much space you need. For a single person, the lift can be quite small. However, if you need space for a wheelchair or multiple people, this will add to the space requirements. So will additional weight loads. If you intend to carry heavy cargo onto the lift and move it up and down, your car will need to be rated for those items. You’ll need to discuss what you intend to use the lift for when you discuss the lift with your installers.

The best time to build a lift into your home is when the house itself is being built, as this will allow you to design the home to fit it. However, most people elect to add the lift to a home they already have or have just purchased. This may be due to an accident or other issue that requires more accessibility. It may also be a choice made once you realise that you can no longer get up the stairs easily, due to age or disability.

It’s also important to consider the time it will take to build a lift in your home. This isn’t a simple installation. You should plan on up to six weeks of construction and prep going on in your home. This is a long time to have workers coming and going from your home and for the noise and chaos of construction work to continue. However, at the end of it, you will have a beautiful lift that is ready to make every room of the house more accessible to you.

Are you considering installing a residential lift in your building? It’s a great way to make your house accessible to everyone and it allows you to continue using the same house even after your mobility has been impaired. Rather than leaving and finding a home that is already accessible, you can simply retrofit your existing home quite nicely.

If you are seriously looking at a lift for your home, you need to consider the above factors and then make it happen. While the cost can be daunting, as can the time it takes, you’ll be happy to have it done and installed. There are several options on the market, so you’ll need to discuss your needs with a lift installer who can offer you more information on making your final choice.

At ADL Lift Services, we provide you with all the information you need to decide if you wish to install a lift or not. We can help you select the right installation for your needs, as well. Contact us today for more information.

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