Blog Post

Why You Should Consider a Lift Upgrade

ADL Lift Services • May 12, 2022
Modern office

If your lift isn’t running quite as smoothly as previously, it may be time to upgrade it. Many people don’t think about upgrading their lift, so they simply repair it until it’s far too late. You may even consider replacing the lift, but this can be costly and difficult if you don’t have a standard configuration for your lift.

It’s important to stay on top of your lift maintenance so you know when you should consider upgrading the lift.

Signs Your Lift Needs an Upgrade

Even with regular maintenance, lifts will eventually wear down and need some extra care. Over time, you’ll see a noticeable decline in performance and this means it’s time to start looking for something to improve the performance.

The Lift Looks Dated

Over time, it’s inevitable that constant use will start to show. Your lift has been useful, but you may notice the floor is scuffed, the walls have chipped and the doors are scratched and ugly. This is bound to happen as it is used, but the aesthetic can be quite depressing, particularly if it’s a public lift. You really need to ensure people feel safe when getting on the lift and an obviously old lift will certainly make them think twice about using it.

Maintenance is Picking Up

Are you calling for help more and more often? If the lift is breaking down frequently and you find that you’re constantly having to do repairs, it’s likely that an upgrade will be cheaper than continuing to patch things up as you go. It can also be rather frustrating, particularly when a breakdown affects your overall mobility.

It’s Moving Slower

Do you notice that it takes longer and longer for the lift to make its way up and down? At first, it may be just a slight delay, but over time, it can get slower and slower, until it’s faster just to take the stairs. At this point, you know that it is definitely time to do something about the whole thing.

The Lift Makes Weird Noises

If the lift is starting to strain and squeal or rumble, you know that its’ time for a professional to look at it. This may be the beginning of the end for the original lift, but proper maintenance can keep it going for much longer.

The Energy Bill is Up

Is the lift using more and more energy every month? This can be quite severe and it may be due to the slow decline of the machine. As it begins to fail, the circuits maintaining function will use more and more energy. This can be quite frustrating, not to mention expensive.

It’s a Decade Old

Older lifts were designed and built to different standards and regulations. You should consider

having it updated to ensure compliance with the new laws. If it’s older than 10 years, you really need to either replace the lift or upgrade it. This will help keep the users safe and will reduce the cost of running the machine.

It should be pretty obvious that your lift is in need of an upgrade. Now you just need to schedule it.

How a Lift Upgrade Can Improve Your Life

Upgrading your lift can change a lot. Whether you are upgrading a residential lift or a commercial one, the entire system will be redone. This means:

Improved energy efficiency: Your lift will cost less to run because everything has been updated and improved.

More comfort: If you're tired of riding in the same battered, dull lift each day, you’ll be thrilled to have a whole new look. New flooring and doors without scratches can be quite lovely.

Everything works: It can be extremely frustrating when buttons don’t work or the lift frequently breaks down. After the upgrade, all that should be in the past. You’ll be able to use the lift without worry.

Safer: The lift will be compliant with the latest regulations, which means it is safer for everyone who uses it. That’s good news for all involved.

Increased speed: If the lift has been slowing down, it will be back up to speed after the upgrade. This can be a relief after dragging up and down every day.

Longer life: The average lifespan of a lift is 15-25 years. However, once it has been upgraded, you’ll find that it has a renewed life and can last another 20 years before it needs to be upgraded or refurbished again.


Increased aesthetic: The entire building will look better with a modern take on the lift. This can be a good way to increase the value of the building and will help if you plan to sell the building soon. 

There are many benefits to improving the lift in your building.

Should You Upgrade, Refurbish, or Replace?

There are three options when your lift is just not running as well as it once did. For example, you may replace the lift completely, refurbish it, or you can upgrade the one you have. Which option is best for you? That depends on the state of the lift and when you first installed it.

What is Refurbishment?

Refurbishing the lift means it will be taken apart almost completely and rebuilt with new components and pieces. By the time everything is put back together, the lift is essentially new again and will feel and work as if it were. However, the base is still the original lift that was installed. This is a good choice if your lift is beyond just repairing, but if you don’t want to splurge on making it fancier. You will pay less than replacing the entire thing, but it will be like you simply replaced the original lift. If you’re hoping for a fancier or more modern option, refurbishment is not the best choice for you.

What is a Lift Upgrade?

To upgrade the lift, you will not just replace the components but actually improve them. Everything will be of higher quality and should be more modern in look and function. You’ll notice that this is a step up from the original and it can be quite exciting. With a lift upgrade, you should notice a lower energy consumption, as well as a smoother ride and better floor levelling. The interior and exterior of the lift will be more aesthetically pleasing, as well. Upgrading your lift is a good choice when you have a functional lift that you don’t want to replace, but do want to modernise. It’s also helpful if the lift cannot be easily reinstalled, due to narrow spaces or additions made after the lift was originally installed.

Should You Replace the Lift?

Replacing the lift is the last resort for most people. On the upside, you can eliminate any and all trouble from an older model, which will continue to need more and more maintenance over time. However, replacing it can be expensive and may even require redoing the lift shaft. In most cases, an upgrade is preferable, but you can speak to your lift supplier about what improvements you’d like to make. They can advise you on the best choice and give you quotes for the various options. If you’re no longer happy with how your lift is functioning, or not functioning, as the case may be, it’s time to make some changes. With a lift upgrade, you’ll be able to enjoy your lift rides once more.

Are you looking for a lift supplier to handle your lift upgrade? ADL Lift Services provides a range of lift services, such as maintenance, installations, upgrades, and refurbishments. Contact us today to learn more about what we can offer you.

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